RESULTADOS - ROH Road To Best in The World 2015

A Ring of Honor realizou no fim de semana os dois primeiros shows da Road to Best in The World 2015.

ROH Road To Best In The World 2015 - (29.05.2015)  @ Civic Center in Amarillo, Texas, USA

(1) BJ Whitmer derrotou Americos

(2) Mark Briscoe derrotou Jay Lethal (w/Truth Martini), Silas Young e Will Ferrara

(3) Dalton Castle derrotou The Romantic Touch

(4) Jay Briscoe derrotou Caprice Coleman

(5) Michael Elgin derrotou ACH

(6) War Machine (Hanson & Ray Rowe) derrotou The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Michael Bennett) (w/Maria Kanellis) by DQ

(7) Adam Cole vs. Roderick Strong - No Contest

(8) The Kingdom (Adam Cole, Matt Taven & Michael Bennett) (w/Maria Kanellis) derrotou Roderick Strong & War Machine (Hanson & Ray Rowe)

ROH Road To Best In The World 2015 - (30.05.2015)  @ State Fair Park in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

(1) Caprice Coleman derrotou Andy Dalton

(2) ROH World Television Title #1 Contendership Three Way Match: Mark Briscoe derrotou Matt Taven (c/Maria Kanellis) e Ray Rowe

(3) Silas Young derrotou The Romantic Touch

(4) ROH World Title #1 Contendership Three Way Match: Hanson derrotou BJ Whitmer e Michael Bennett (c/Maria Kanellis)

(5) Roderick Strong derrotou Will Ferrara

(6) Michael Elgin derrotou Dalton Castle

(7) Adam Cole derrotou ACH

(8) ROH World Television Title Match: Jay Lethal (w/Truth Martini) (c) derrotou Mark Briscoe

(9) ROH World Title Match: Jay Briscoe (c) derrotou Hanson
RESULTADOS - ROH Road To Best in The World 2015 RESULTADOS - ROH Road To Best in The World 2015 Reviewed by Unknown on 14:16 Rating: 5
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