RESULTADOS - PROGRESS Chapter 37: A Sudden Sense of Liberty (16/10/2016)

A PROGRESS realizou no domingo o Chapter 37 que teve os seguintes resultados:

* Bubblegum derrotou Chuck Mambo
* Kay Lee Ray derrotou Kimber Lee
* James Drake derrotou Fabian Aichner
* PROGRESS World Title #1 Contendership: Marty Scurll derrotou Joe Coffey, Pete Dunne e Trent Seven
* PROGRESS Tag Team Title #1 Contendership: The South Pacific Power Trip (TK Cooper & Travis Banks) derrotaram FSU (Eddie Dennis & Mark Andrews) e The Origin (Dave Mastiff & El Ligero)
* PROGRESS Atlas Title: Rampage Brown (c) derrotou Mikey Whiplash
* PROGRESS World Title: Mark Haskins (c) derrotou Zack Gibson
RESULTADOS - PROGRESS Chapter 37: A Sudden Sense of Liberty (16/10/2016) RESULTADOS - PROGRESS Chapter 37: A Sudden Sense of Liberty (16/10/2016) Reviewed by Ivaldo Azevedo on 21:01 Rating: 5

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