RESULTADOS - ROH Road to Final Battle 2016 (21 e 22/10/2016)

A Ring of Honor realizou neste fim de semana os dois primeiros shows da Road to Final Battle. Estes foram os resultados:

21/10/2016 @ War Memorial Auditorium, Fort Lauderdale, FL

* Kennadi Brink derrotou Rachael Ellering
* Caprice Coleman & Kenny King derrotaram Leon St. Giovanni & Shaheem Ali
* Mark Briscoe derrotou Kazarian
* Hanson & Ray Rowe derrotaram Sho Tanaka & Yohei Komatsu
* Hangman Page derrotou Dalton Castle
* Kyle O’Reilly derrotou Kamaitachi, Donovan Dijak e Jay White
* Will Ferrara & Cheeseburger derrotaram BJ Whitmer & Punisher Martine
* Bobby Fish derrotou Rhett Titus
* Adam Cole derrotou Bull James
* Silas Young, Jay Lethal, & Alex Shelley derrotaram Daniels, Colt Cabana, & Jay Briscoe

22/10/2016 @ Lakeland Civic Center, Lakeland, FL

* Kennadi Brink derrotou Amber Gallows
* Kyle O'Reilly derrotou Donovan Dijak
* Alex Shelley & Jay White derrotaram Kenny King & Rhett Titus
* Hangman Page derrotou Mark Briscoe
* BJ Whitmer & Damian Martinez derrotaram Bull James & Mr. Wrestling 3
* Jay Lethal derrotou Kamaitachi
* Cheeseburger & Will Ferrara derrotaram Coast to Coast (?) e Sho Tanaka & Yohei Komatsu
* Bobby Fish derrotou Jay Briscoe por DQ
* Hangman Page derrotou Bobby Fish e Jay Briscoe
* Colt Cabana & Dalton Castle derrotaram Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian
* ROH World Title: Adam Cole (c) derrotou Silas Young
RESULTADOS - ROH Road to Final Battle 2016 (21 e 22/10/2016) RESULTADOS - ROH Road to Final Battle 2016 (21 e 22/10/2016) Reviewed by Ivaldo Azevedo on 21:36 Rating: 5

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