RESULTADOS - PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2017 (01 a 03/09/2017)

A PWG realizou no fim de semana passado o seu principal evento e torneio, o Battle of Los Angeles.

Eis os resultados:

Noite 1 - 01 de Setembro

* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Dezmond Xavier derrotou Brian Cage (10:41)
* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Marty Scurll derrotou Morgan Webster (15:34)
* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Rey Fenix derrotou Rey Horus (16:07)
* Chosen Bros (Jeff Cobb & Matthew Riddle) derrotaram Donovan Dijak & Keith Lee (18:25)
* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Penta El Zero M derrotou Matt Sydal
* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Zack Sabre Jr. derrotou Jonah Rock (18:07)
* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Ricochet derrotou Flamita (22:11)

Noite 2 - 02 de Setembro

* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Donovan Dijak derrotou Trevor Lee (11:34)
* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Sammy Guevara derrotou Joey Janela (14:30)
* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Travis Banks derrotou Mark Haskins (16:58)
* The Leaders Of The New School (Marty Scurll & Zack Sabre Jr.) derrotaram Matt Sydal & Ricochet (20:56)
* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Jeff Cobb derrotou Sami Callihan (11:41)
* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Matthew Riddle derrotou Michael Elgin (17:59)
* BOLA 2017 - 1st Round: Keith Lee derrotou WALTER (19:44)
* The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) derrotaram Flamita, Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix (27:06)

Noite 3 - 03 de Setembro

* BOLA 2017 - 2nd Round: Ricochet derrotou Dezmond Xavier (10:47)
* BOLA 2017 - 2nd Round: Travis Banks derrotou Marty Scurll (13:52)
* BOLA 2017 - 2nd Round: Keith Lee derrotou Donovan Dijak (21:42)
* BOLA 2017 - 2nd Round: Rey Fenix derrotou Zack Sabre Jr. (14:34)
* BOLA 2017 - 2nd Round: Jeff Cobb derrotou Sammy Guevara (5:11)
* BOLA 2017 - 2nd Round: Matthew Riddle derrotou Penta El Zero M (14:18)
* BOLA 2017 - Semi-final: Ricochet derrotou Travis Banks (12:19)
* BOLA 2017 - Semi-final: Keith Lee derrotou Rey Fenix (9:35)
* BOLA 2017 - Semi-final: Jeff Cobb derrotou Matthew Riddle (9:05)
* Chuck Taylor, Flamita, Joey Janela, Mark Haskins & Morgan Webster derrotaram Brian Cage, Jonah Rock, Sami Callihan, Trevor Lee & WALTER (23:20)
* BOLA 2017 - Final: Ricochet derrotou Jeff Cobb e Keith Lee (19:00)

RESULTADOS - PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2017 (01 a 03/09/2017) RESULTADOS - PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2017 (01 a 03/09/2017) Reviewed by Ivaldo Azevedo on 21:47 Rating: 5

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