ROH: Cards para as duas primeiras noites do Survival of The Fittest

A Ring of Honor anunciou em seu website oficial os últimos combates para as duas primeiras noites do Survival of The Fittest 2017, que ocorre neste fim de semana em San Antonio e Dallas.

O main event da primeira noite será uma Texas Death Match entre Cody e Daniels pelo ROH World Title. Para a segunda noite, Kenny King irá defender o título Television frente a Joey Ryan.

Com isso os cards das dua primeiras noites ficam assim:

ROH Survival of The Fittest - Noite 1, 17/11/2017

Austin Highway Event Center, Austin, TX

Main-event: Cody & Kenny Omega vs. The Addiction
ROH World TV Title: Kenny King (c) vs. Joey Ryan
The Young Bucks vs. Flip Gordon & Scorpio Sky
Jonathan Gresham & The Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Kingdom
Dalton Castle vs. Marty Scurll
Esfinge & Rey Cometa vs. The Dawgs
Survival of The Fittest 1st Round: Jay Lethal vs. Punisher Martinez
Survival of The Fittest 1st Round: Shane Taylor vs. Beer City Bruiser
Survival of The Fittest 1st Round: Silas Young vs. Josh Woods
Deonna Purazzo vs. Brit Baker

ROH Survival of The Fittest - Noite 2, 18/11/2017

Gilley's Dallas, Dallas, TX

ROH World Title - Texas Death Match: Cody (c) vs. Christopher Daniels
ROH World TV Title: Kenny King (c) vs. Frankie Kazarian
ROH Tag Team Titles: The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Rey Cometa & Esfinge
Dalton Castle & Jay Lethal vs. The Young Bucks
Survival of The Fittest 1st Round: Matt Taven vs. Cheeseburger
Survival of The Fittest 1st Round: TK O'Ryan vs. Flip Gordon
Survival of The Fittest 1st Round: Vinny Marseglia vs. Jonathan Gresham
ROH: Cards para as duas primeiras noites do Survival of The Fittest ROH: Cards para as duas primeiras noites do Survival of The Fittest Reviewed by Ivaldo Azevedo on 20:26 Rating: 5

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