EVOLVE: Cards para o Wrestlemania Weekend

A EVOLVE anunciou os cards completos para os shows 102 e 103 durante o Wrestlemania Weekend. Os shows contarão com a estreia de Daisuke Sekimoto e com o retorno de Munenori Sawa, que lutou nos primeiros eventos da empresa.

Os cards completos são:

EVOLVE 102, 05 de Abril

EVOLVE Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. (c) vs. Matt Riddle
Daisuke Sekimoto & Munenori Sawa vs. Timothy Thatcher & WALTER
AR Fox vs. Will Ospreay
Tag Team Scramble (se os campeões sofrerem o pinfall, perdem o título): Chris Dickinson & Jaka (c) vs. The End vs. James Drake & Anthony Henry vs. Tracy Williams & Dom Garrini
Keith Lee vs. Darby Allin
Austin Theory vs. DJZ

EVOLVE 103: EVOLVE vs. The World, 06 de Abril

EVOLVE vs. The World #1: Matt Riddle vs. Daisuke Sekimoto
EVOLVE vs. The World #2: Chris Dickinson vs. Travis Banks
EVOLVE vs. The World #3: Jaka vs. Munenori Sawa
EVOLVE vs. The World #4: Darby Allin vs. WALTER
Keith Lee vs. Austin Theory
AR Fox vs. DJZ vs. Jason Kincaid vs. Tracy Williams with Stokely Hathaway
Timothy Thatcher vs. Dominic Garrini
EVOLVE: Cards para o Wrestlemania Weekend EVOLVE: Cards para o Wrestlemania Weekend Reviewed by Ivaldo Azevedo on 14:57 Rating: 5

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